虚拟价值引论 ——广义虚拟经济视角研究
Introduction to Virtual Value ——Study from A Broader Perspective of Virtual Economy
摘要: 虚拟经济的出现是当今时代的重要特征,但学界对它的理解多半定位于金融。事实上, 它的出现对解答商品的属性、财富的本质提出了新的挑战,我们有必要遵循马克思主义历史 与逻辑相统一的研究方法,建立广义研究视角,回到商品属性和价值规律,回到财富本质, 探索虚拟经济发展规律。笔者认为,研究虚拟经济重要的不在于经济活动领域的划分,而在 于视角的建立;从事经济工作重点在于思维方式的改变;虚拟经济的研究目的,在于启示 进入工业社会乃至后工业社会的人们在企业和国家的层面上自如地创造和交换满足人们心理 需求的虚拟价值,让财富在人心和文化的土壤上流转,把蕴含在经济活动深处的虚拟经济规 律揭示出来,让人们能够更加自如地掌握财富规律。因此,笔者在剖析虚拟价值的基础上, 提出建立一个广义虚拟经济的思维框架,并试图从虚拟经济定位来拓展对中国新世纪发展战 略的认识。Abstract: The emergence of virtual economy is an important feature of the present era, but its academic understanding has been confined to that of finance.Therefore, the emergence is a new challenge to the traditional analysis of attributes of commo dity and essence of wealth.To have a better understanding, it is necessary for us to review the attributes of commodity, value rules, and essences of wealth, t o explore the developmental laws from a broader perspective and research methodo logy by combining historical and logical viewpoints described by Marx.On this b asis, the author believes that the importance of studying virtual economy lies i n the establishment of a new perspective rather than in the field-division of e conomic activities, arguing that the transformation of thinking patterns is very important for doing economic jobs, and the objectives of studying virtual econo my are to enlighten people of industrial and post-industrial eras who may creat e and exchange virtual value to satisfy people's psychological needs, so the res ult may be that the circulation of wealth is promoted and economical laws will b e well understood.In conclusion, the author comes up with some ideas to analyze virtual economy and establish a framework of broad virtual economy, and expand the strategic understanding of China's development in the new century.