ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

SWOT矩阵分析法在企业战略中的应用 ——沈阳优力维特电梯制造公司的实践

Application of SWOT Matrix Analysis to Enterprises' Strategies ——What the Practice in Shenyang Elevator Company has Revealed

  • 摘要: 企业战略是对企业长远发展的全局性谋划,企业必须依靠正确的战略才能在激烈的 市场竞争和复杂多变的社会环境中取得竞争的主动性。SWOT矩阵分析就是一种评判企业战略 地位切实有效的方法。文章结合沈阳优力维特电梯制造公司的实际情况,运用SWOT矩阵分析 法判断其战略地位,并提出相应的企业战略。


    Abstract: The strategy of an enterprise refers to the genera l planning of a long-term development of a company, which, if correct, can put the company in a favorable position in both the harsh competition on the market and the complex social environment. SWOT Matrix analysis is just such an effecti ve method in assessing the development strategies of enterprises. This paper put s forward some suggestions as a result of the practice of SWOT matrix analysis w ith the strategic position of Shenyang Elevator Company.


