ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Realization of the Objectives of College Financial Management in Information Age

  • 摘要: 20世纪中叶以来,网络技术强烈影响着人类社会的时空概念,造就了财务工作的完全转变并 重新定义着整个财务系统,财务工作完全依赖计算机及网络系统来维持。文章对网络信息时 代高校财务管理的特点、内容、目标等方面进行分析,提出高校财务管理目标实现的措施。 由于财务控制贯穿于高校财务管理全过程,因此要实现高校财务管理目标,重点是要做好高 校的财务控制工作。


    Abstract: The information technology has been severely influencing the spatial-temporal c oncept of the social humanity, leading to the complete transformation and redef inition of the whole financial system for the maintenance of financial progress is entirely dependent on computers and network. This paper analyses the characte ristics, content and objectives of college financial management in information age, puts forward strategies of the realization of these objectives and points out that the effective management depends on financial controlling ubiquitous in the whole process of the management.


