Man' Subjective Construction and Social-economic Development
摘要: 马克思吸收了西方传统主体性学说的合理内容,同时大力批判了这种学说的唯心主义基础, 第一次科学地揭示了主体性的本质,其思想特色在于,到人的社会实践活动中去寻找主体性 的根本源泉。文章试图通过梳理前人思想的来龙去脉,探索主体性理论研究的路径,探询人 的主体地位的确立与社会经济发展的关系,从而为人的主体性确立找到一个新的现实的基础 。Abstract: By digesting the rational content of western traditional ideas of subjectivity a nd criticizing its basis of idealism, Carl Marx discovered the nature of subject ivity.His theory is characterized with the argument that the fundamental source of subjectivity stems from social practice.Reviewing the theories of the past, the author attempts at a new access to the theory of subjectivity and the relat ionship between man's subjective construction and social-economical development with the purpose of finding a new practical foundation for this theory.