自由意志与良知 ——康德与王阳明道德哲学之比较
Freewilland Innate Conscience ——A Comparison of Kant's and Wang Yangming's Moral Philosophy
摘要: 康德与王阳明分别以自由意志和良知为核心建立先验道德哲学。自由意志和良知都 是道德法则的先验根据,具有自律的本质特征;但是二者建构主体道德自觉的思路又是迥然 不同的。通过对二者的比较,说明各自理论的优点和不足,并指出中西哲学可以融通互 惠,对如今的道德建设具有重要的启示意义。Abstract: Kant and Yang-ming base their transcendental moral philosophy on "freewill" a nd "innate conscience" respectively. They share the similarity in transcendent al basis of moral laws characterized with self-discipline while differing with the ways of forging their moral theory of subject. This paper makes a comparison between the two central concepts to reveal the merits and demerits of each theo ry, aiming at the possibility and necessity of fusion of Chinese with Western ph ilosophies for the purpose of moral constructions of our time.