论欧洲违宪审查模式对中国宪法监督 制度的借鉴意义
Significance of European Constitutional Supervision Model to China
摘要: 欧洲违宪审查制的逻辑起点是西方的人权观和三权分立理论,其建立制度的理论和模式选择 的过程极具启示性。德国模式和法国模式对中国建立违宪审查制有着重要的借鉴意义,尤其 是法国的宪法委员会模式,在中国更具现实可行性。Abstract: The ideas of Western human rights and the doctrine of power separation are the l ogical origins of the constitutional supervision in Europe, whose fundamental th eories of systems and the process of model-choosing may set examples for others countries.The German and French models are of significance to China, and on th ese bases, the author argues that the French model is of particular feasibility for the establishment of constitutional supervision in China.