ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

社区层面社会政策资源动员机制的创新 ——北京市崇文区东花市南里社区公共服务协会案例分析

Mobilization of Social Policy Resources ——A Case Study of the Community Service Association of East Huashi Nanli, Chongwen Distrcit of Beijing

  • 摘要: 社区是社会政策重要的和基本的操作单元。社区层面社会政策资源动员机制薄弱, 是当前中国城市社会一个带有普遍性的问题。北京市崇文区东花市南里社区以成立社区社团 (公共服务协会)的形式,为社区层面社会政策资源的动员提供了适切的中介和平台。通过 对该协会的案例分析,概括和总结其创新之处,试图为中国城市社区社会政策资源动员机制 的创新提供一定的启发和借鉴。


    Abstract: A community is the basic unit where social policies are specifically o perated. The weakness of the mobilization of social policy resources is a common problem confronting the general urban society. The community service associatio n of East Huashi Nanli, Chongwen Distrcit of Beijing, in the form of neighborhoo d associations for public service, provides a feasible plane and medium for prom oting the mobilization of social policy resources. This paper makes a case study and summarizes its practice of originality, attempting to provide some insights into the original mobilization strategies of social policy resources on a socia l level.


