On Sustainable Development of Alumni Resources
摘要: 中国高等教育和高等院校校友会的发展经历了一个漫长的过程,面对中国高等教育目 前资源严重不足、国家不断加大投入、办学经费来源多元化、社会办学和中外合作办学方兴 未艾的形势,全面认识高校校友资源的内涵是至关重要的,文章指出高校要统筹均衡、合理 有序地开发校友资源。Abstract: The development of alumina associations in universities in Chi na has undergone a long process. The authors suggest that, confronted with the severe situation of the lack of educational resources, the multi-scour ces of funding, and the growing cooperative efforts from social and foreign supp ort, the university authoriteis should have a comprehensive view of alumini reso urces and make a sustainable development of them.