基于潜在语义分析的长时工作记忆 在语篇理解中的作用
Role of Long-term Working Memory in Text Comprehension under the Ground of Latent Semantic Analysis
摘要: 短时工作记忆与长时工作记忆的区别在于,短时工作记忆的容纳、接受能力是有限的 ;而长时工作记忆是专家可在其专业研究范围内得到的一个相对稳定的系统。语篇理解可视 为一种专业化的技能,其过程是读者根据文字材料描写的内容以及自己所具备的知识,建立 对阅读内容的心理表征的过程。分析长时工作记忆在语篇理解中的作用是指在理解期间注重 相关知识的灵活运用,并能快速、准确地进行信息提取和存储。在语篇理解中,潜在语义分 析(latent semantic analysis,缩写为LSA)是通过分析词与词之间,词与段以及段与段之 间的关系来激活分析者已有的知识的一种关于知识表征的理论。Abstract: The distinction between short-term working memory and long-term working memory is that the former is capacity-limited while the latter is available to expert s in their domain of expertise. Text comprehension is viewed as expert performan ce, which is the process of psychological representation to the reading contents according to the text and one's own background knowledge, therefore, this paper analyzes the role of long-term working memory in text comprehension with an em phasis on the activation of relevant knowledge in the process and thinks that th e latent semantic analysis (LSA) is used to model knowledge activation through t he relation between words, paragraphs and words and paragraphs.