Flexibility of Network Educational Resource Database and Its Realization
摘要: 新一代教学资源库的建设是一场从性质到功能上的变革。针对目前从管理者角度构建网络教 学资源库存在的不足,提出了柔性网络教学资源库的概念,并对其特征进行分析。柔性网络 教学资源库是一个开放的、协作的、能动的资源平台,从教学活动角度构建柔性网络教学资 源库是一种"需求驱动资源"的设计思路。基于这一思路,从内容、功能、方式、管理四方 面探讨了实现柔性网络教学资源库的途径。Abstract: It is a kind of revolution to construct the new generation of educational resour ce database. To overcome the disadvantages existing in the current database syst em constructed from the viewpoint of managers, this paper proposes the concept of network educational resource database with flexibility and discusses its feat ures, which is an open, synergic, proactive resource platform, and should ad apt to demands in terms of the educational activities. On this basis, this pape r further explores the approaches to the realization of this database in forms o f content, function, means, and management.
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