Data Mining Used in Libraries
摘要: 随着图书馆信息的大量增长,如何提取表面上庞杂无序的信息的内在联系以供读者使 用成为当前的重要问题。数据挖掘就是这样一种技术,可以从大型数据库中挖掘先前未知的 、有效的、实用的信息,并使用这些信息丰富知识或做出决策。文章给出了数据挖掘在图书 馆业务中的应用, 运用分类分析技术对流通记录、检索请求进行分析,并以此分析出文献的 利用率。Abstract: Data warehouse and data mining are new network techniques based on int ernet, on this idea, the author suggests that these techniques be used in modern library management.To be specific, the techniqies can be applied to decision ma king of management, to classifying analysis of book circulation and to search fo r requests and the reference rates.