从青少年网络成瘾问题及其危害性入手,简述了网络成瘾综合症的定义 、类型、原因及网络成瘾者的内在特质和外在因素,并主要从心理学、生理学的基本理论、 家庭教育、学校教育和社会影响这几个角度深刻剖析网络成瘾的原因。在此基础上,提出了 以专业思想教育工作者为主导,社会各方充分运用法律、行政、文化、医学、道德、教育 、经济等各种手段来综合探究教育模式,逐步形成个人、教育者、家庭、学校、社会五位一 体解决网络成瘾的对策。这对于进一步加强青少年思想政治教育工作并使之占领网络阵地具 有十分重要的理论与实践意义。
Adolescent addiction to Internet is becoming an increasingly serious social prob lem. The article first discusses the harmful effects of Adolescent Internet Addi ction Disorder and then analyses this syndrome in terms of its definition, type, cause and frequency. Based on a study of the underlying cause of adolescent Int ernet addicti on from the aspects of psychology and physiology, family and school education, a nd social influence, the article proposesa blueprint for coping with adolescent addiction to Internet, with professional educators playing a leading role and va rious communities coordinating with each other by adopting, among others, legal, administrative, cultural, medical, moral, educational and even economic means. The measures taken highlight an approach to the solution of adolescent Internet addiction that features the concerted efforts of Internet addicts, educators, fa milies, schools and society, which is both theoretically and practically signi ficant to ideological education of adolescents.