Arbitrary and Non-arbitrary Linguistic Signs: From an Integrational Point of View
摘要: 语言符号任意性是指概念和表示该概念的语音形式之间没有必然的和先验的联系。 然而,整合的符号观认为任意性体现在符号和实体、语音和语义、语法结构和语义内容等两 两相对的构件之间。和任意性对立统一的是非任意性,包括理据性和象似性。理据性是语言 系统自组织过程中促动某一语言现象产生、发展或消亡的动因,分为语音、语义、语形等内 部理据和拟声、象似、省力等外部理据。象似性则主要涉及语法形式和语义内容之间的可论 证性,是对任意性的重要补充。任意性和非任意性互补共存、相辅相成,在语言的各个层面 上共同成为语言的两大自组织原则。Abstract: Arbitrariness refers to the absence of logical and prior relation between sound pattern and concept it stands for. From an integrational point of view, however , arbitrariness manifests itself in the binary opposition of linguistic signs an d their entities, sound and meaning, or syntactic structure and its semantic cont ent. Antithetical to arbitariness is non-arbitrariness, which includes motivati on and iconicity. Motivation is any driving force that promotes a language's bir th, development or death. Iconicity is concerned with the corresponding relation between syntactic form and semantic function and it is an indispensable complem ent to arbitrariness. Complementary to each other at different linguistic levels , arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness are two functional principles of language formation.
- arbitrariness /
- non-arbitrariness /
- linguistic sign /
- iconicity /
- motivation /
- integ ration
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