ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

"译者的隐身"到"译者的彰显" ——从海明威《雨中的猫》的翻译看归化异化策略的选择

From "Translator’s Invisibility" to "Translator's Visibility" ——On Choice of Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in Translating Hemingway'’s Cat in the Rain

  • 摘要: 试图通过对海明威《雨中的猫》的原文和曹庸先生的译文的对比,从翻译的特殊 视角,运用韦努蒂提出的归化和异化的翻译策略来探讨海明威《雨中的猫》的翻译中译者的 角色,指出曹庸先生在翻译海明威《雨中的猫》的过程中选择了异化的策略,从而在形式上 使译者的角色得到了彰显。笔者尝试采用归化的翻译策略对曹庸先生的译文中某些异化译法 予以归化翻译,继而提出归化的译法虽然在形式上是"译者的隐身",但是在翻译的过程和 译文的内容上却使译者的角色得到了彰显。


    Abstract: Drawing on the domesticating and foreignizing translation theory propo sed by Lawrence Venuti, the article attempts to explore the translator’s role by comparing and analysing the original text of Hemingway’s Cat in the Rain and it s translated version by Cao Yong from the perspective of translation. The articl e points out that Cao Yong adopted foreignizing strategy in translating Hemingwa y’s Cat in the Rain so as to give prominence to the translator'’s role in the for m. The writer of this article experiments with domesticating strategy in transla ting those parts of Cat in the Rain that were rendered into Chinese by Cao Yong by using foreignizing strategy. Finally, the writer points out that although dom esticating strategy can cause "the translator's invisibility" in the form, it can also give prominence to the translator's role in the translating process and the content of the translated version.


