An Analysis of Actuality and Choice of Routes of the Accountability System for Administrations of China
摘要: 中国行政问责始于"非典"肆虐的公共卫生危机时期。随后的三年里,行政问责受到广泛关 注,成为行政改革的亮点。但在其制度化进程中仍面临诸多困境,如在问责主体、问责客体 、问责内容、问责程序、问责的法律体系等方面存在一系列问题和欠缺。导致这种现状的深 层次原因是权责对等意识缺乏、职责划分不清、制度有效供给不足等。据此论文提出完善行 政问责制的路径选择为确立以权力机关为主导、多方有序参与的问责主体架构;围绕公共权 力,规范问责客体的范围;界定问责内容,实现问责标准法定化;完善问责程序,增强可操 作性;健全法律体系,弥补制度缺陷。Abstract: The accountability system for administrations of China began from the crisis of SARS in our country. In the following three years, it has been paid an important attention and has become a focus of the innovation of administrations. But ther e are many problems in the process to systemize, and the accountability system f or administrations is short of the sides of the main body, object, content, proc edure and system of law for administrations. Many deep-seated reasons result in the actuality. So the article gives some choices of routes to perfect the accou ntability system for administrations.