ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

制度溯源及其意义 ——公益诉讼原告制度的法系考察

Exploration And Meaning of System ——Review of Law Family of Public Benefit Litigation Plaintiff System

  • 摘要: 自罗马法开始,公益诉讼的原告资格并非采取只能由直接利害关系人提起诉讼的一元化模式 ,而是"原告资格的多元化"模式。为强化公益诉讼当事人程序保障,对于由没有直接利害 关系的公民或社会组织为原告提起的公益诉讼,多采取鼓励和支持的态度,但法律对原告的 诉权行使也进行了一些限制。在公益诉讼原告制度的确立模式上,很多国家选择制定法的模 式,但也有些国家选择判例法的模式或者从判例上升到成文立法的模式。


    Abstract: From the beginning of the Roman law,the plaintiff qualifications in public bene fit litigation had not adopted simplification, initiating public prosecution by the direct relation person,but diversification,namely"diversification of the plaintiff qualifications" mode. In order to enhance procedure protection of th e public benefit litigation parties,if the citizen or association of no direct relation initiates public benefit prosecution, the attitude of many nations is encouragement and support. But the law carries on some restrictions to the plain tiff,too. In the construction mode of public benefit litigation plaintiff syste m, many countries choose the mode of legislation,but some other countries choos e the mode of Judicial Precedent Law or mode from Judicial Precedent to legislat ion.


