世外云木秀 独鹤自往还 ——皎然诗歌中"独"的审美意象及其文化意味
The Clouds and Trees Are Gorgeous And an Only Crane Comes and Goes ——Aesthetic Image and Culture Flavour about the "Aloneness"of Poetry by Jiao Ran
摘要: 当前学界,对皎然诗歌的研究是薄弱而不系统的。在总结前人成果的基础上,着重从美学的 高度来探讨皎然僧诗歌创造里"独"的运用及其诗学观,并对其释道圆融的诗学美学观作初 步阐释。Abstract: Nowadays, the study on Jiao Ran's poetry is scant and unsystematic in the academ ia. Hence in this paper, I will commence from the summarize to some productions of grand old man, discuss emphasize how to exercise "alone" word and it's stan dpoint of poetics in the poetics of Jiao Ran from the aesthetic highness, while, give a accidence explain to the aesthetic standpoint of poetics in the unificat ion of Buddhism and Taoism.