Cheating and Countermeasures in The Graduate Record Examination
摘要: 近年来考试中各种手段的"作弊"现象屡有发生,严重影响了考试秩序、降低了社会诚信度,对招生考试制度形成了威胁。以全国硕士研究生入学考试为例,简要分析"作弊"现象的原因,并提出几点对策。Abstract: In recent years, there have been various kinds of cheatings in the examinations, which have seriously affected the public order of examinations, downplayed the principle of good faith, and threatened the system of entrance examination. This paper puts the graduate record examination in a nutshell, analyses the reasons and puts forward some countermeasures against cheating.
- the graduate record examination /
- cheating /
- countermeasure
[1] 许克毅,叶城.当代研究生透视[M]. 西安:陕西人民出版社, 2002.9. [2] 廖文武.鉴往思来——研究生教育创新的探索与实践[M]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2005.116.
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