An Overview of Japan-s Aviation Legislation System: with Some Inspirations
摘要: 日本航空立法的体系性和先进性是值得学习和借鉴的。中国将来要制定的统一航空法,是调整航空器在制造、使用、交换、报废过程中所产生的各种关系的基本法,兼容航空公法和航空私法,其立法体例应当以航空器作为切入点,以航空器的静态安全和动态安全的保障措施作为着眼点,其首要宗旨应当是"保障航空器航行的安全性",而不是"维护国家领空主权"。Abstract: The systematicity and progressiveness of Japan-s aviation law system is well worth learning. Since China-s future unified Aviation Law aims to be a basic law which is compatible with both public and private aviation laws, and regulates various kinds of relations within the process of aircraft manufacturing, application, exchange and scrapping, it requires an aircraft-oriented legislative style focusing on protection for aircraft-s static and dynamic security. Therefore it should primarily serve the purpose of "protecting the safety of aircrafts" rather than "safeguarding the national airspace sovereignty."
- Japan Aviation Law /
- legal system /
- aircraft /
- legislative purpose
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