On the Strict Liability of the Aircraft ’s Operator in Tort Law
摘要: 《侵权责任法》第71条专门规定了民用航空器致害责任。该条在归责原则方面采取了统一模式,只要民用航空器造成损害,无论受害人是乘客还是地面第三人,都承担危险责任。与此相应,其责任构成要件包括:民用航空器运营危险的实现、受害人的损害以及两者之间的因果关系。民用航空器致害责任的主体是其经营者,免责事由限于受害人故意和特定类型的不可抗力。此外,此种责任实行赔偿限额制度。Abstract: It is Article 71 in Chinese Tort law that imposes strict liability on the operator of an aircraft. The operator takes strict liability for ground damage and the passenger-s damage. The plaintiff must prove the following: the realized risk of aircraft, damage to property and personal injury, and the causation between both. It is the operator who is liable for the damage.And the liability of the operator can only be avoided by proof of the intent of the victim and force majeure in particular cases. There is caps limiting of the amount of damages when the operator is liable.