ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Translator Subjectivity in the Subtitle Translation of HERO from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  • 摘要: 以电影《英雄》的字幕英译为例,拟从关联理论的角度出发,探讨译者的主体性。关联理论视翻译为一种涉及人的大脑机制推理的语内或语际间的明示-推理阐释活动,认为译者作为原文作者与译文读者之间的协调人,要推断原文作者的交际意图、译文读者的认知语境及阅读期待,选择合适的翻译策略,充分发挥自己的主观能动性,促使原文作者与译文读者之间成功地完成交际。


    Abstract: This paper takes the subtitle translation of the film HERO as an example to discuss the translator subjectivity from the perspective of the relevance theory, which views translation as an act of ostensive-inferential intralingual or interlingual interpretation of a source text related to inference by means of brain mechanism. Translator, as the mediator between the original writer and the translated text readers, shall infer the original writer-s communicative intention, the readers- cognitive context and reading expectation, choose appropriate translation strategies, fully exert his subjective initiative, and promote a successful communication between the original writer and the translated text readers.


