ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Typical Subtitling Strategy——Reduction

  • 摘要: 以关联理论为出发点,以8部故事片的中文对白及英文字幕为语料,分析描述了汉语故事片英文字幕翻译中所采取的缩减策略。认为,信息在整个影片的理解和欣赏过程中起到的相对作用决定了翻译时对该部分信息的取舍。


    Abstract: The article focuses on, with the samples from the eight films, the examination and description of the typical strategy, reduction, employed in subtitling Chinese feature films for English-speaking audience, with the application of Sperber and Wilson’s relevance theory (1986) in the discussion of what should be included and what should be omitted. It is concluded that decisions as to which pieces of information are to omit or to include should depend on the relative contribution of these pieces of information to the comprehension and appreciation of the target film as a whole.


