ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Studies on Advice in ESL/EFL Textbooks in China

  • 摘要: 探讨了中国英语教材中"建议"对话是否符合英语本族语者的会话习惯。研究发现,教材对话中"建议"的三种答复类型的比例和英语本族语者存在显著差异;教材对话中"延缓答复"方式和本族语者不同;教材对话没能像本族语者那样采取"相互肯定"和"转换话题"等方式退出建议;教材中几乎没有任何(元)语用信息。在对这些现象产生的原因进行了分析的基础上,提出一些有针对性的教材改进方案。


    Abstract: The goal of this study is to shed light on whether the speech act of "advice" in English textbooks used by Chinese learners is represented relatively well in respect to English native speakers- (ENS) intuition. We discover that in distribution of response types, there is a significant numerical difference between the two samples; that our textbook speakers deflect the advice in a very different way from the ENS; and that while the mechanisms of "mutually reinforcing exchanges" and "change of topic" to exit advice are frequently discerned in the ENS, they occur much less frequently in textbook dialogues. In addition, the textbooks contain no/little (meta)pragmatic information. Meanwhile, causes of these occurrences are explored and suggestions are provided to improve authenticity of textbook materials.


