ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Defects and Possible Improvements of the Legal Regime Governing Outer Space Mining

  • 摘要: 外层空间自然资源的开发和利用将成为人类和平利用太空的重点,而包括中国在内的太空大国无疑将成为先行者。当下的外层空间法律制度没有否定外层空间的财产权,这为外层空间自然资源开发和利用提供了基本的法律保障,但"共同财产"原则却潜在的阻碍着投资外层空间自然资源开发的热情。若要为外层空间自然资源开发和利用提供一个有利的法律环境,制定建立在明确外层空间财产权基础上的相关法律制度是最佳的选择。


    Abstract: Outer space minning will become most atractive to manking, especially to major nations with space-going capability, including China. Current outer space law doesn’t deny outer space property rights, which provides basic legal foundation for outer space mining. However, the common heritage principle seems to worry the potential outer space mining investors. To establish a friendly legal environment for outer space mining, an outer space mining regime founded on explict property rights is needed.


