ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Flight Delay and Related Civil Liabilities

  • 摘要: 航班延误是困扰民航运输领域的长久难题。《华沙公约》及中国《民用航空法》都未给出"航班延误"的明确定义。从是否超出正常的离站时间和是否在合理期间内到达目的地两方面判断,航班延误是指承运人未按约定时间将旅客送抵最终目的地,若在无约定的情况下,应以完成运输所需的合理时间来判断是否构成延误。依据"合理性"标准来划分航班延误,合理延误的承运人虽对延误不承担损害赔偿责任,但对未履行法定附随义务仍承担责任;不合理延误的承运人除承担"可预见性"的旅客损失以外,还要独立承担违约金责任。


    Abstract: Flight delay is an inevitable problem in the area of air transport. Neither the Warsaw Convention nor the China Civil Aviation Law have precise definition of flight delay. Judging from nomal time for departure and reasonable time for arrival, flight delay is that aviation carrier doesn’t carry passengers to the final destination in appointed time. If transport time isn’t appointed, we should judge it from reasonability of transport time. According to the Reasonability Standard, the carrier of reasonable delay is liable for carrying out its subordinate obligation without compensation for loss. In the meantime, carrier of unreasonable delay is not only liable for predictable loss, but also for breach fee independently.


