ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Study on Major Determinants of Foreign Owners’ Patenting in China

  • 摘要: 发达国家在发展中国家的专利活动正成为技术资源控制的新手段,而其技术创新能力、对华投资和贸易活动是其在华专利活动的基础。应用基于面板数据的负二项式回归模型对外国权利人在华专利申请的决定因素进行了分析,研究发现,技术创新能力支持了外国权利人在华的专利活动;外国在华专利申请首先是为了保护该国市场不受中国企业出口的损害,其次才是保护该技术的中国市场;外商直接投资活动则降低了外资企业在华申请发明专利的倾向。


    Abstract: Foreign patents play a prominent role in developing countries, and technological capacity and bilateral trades are the basis of foreign patenting in China. Negative Binomial Model based on panel data is applied, and the findings are as follows. First, technological innovation capacity supports foreign countries’ patenting in China; second, it is more important for a foreign patent to protect its market in its home country from harm done by Chinese goods and services than to protect its Chinese market; third, while one country’s FDI in China increases, the country’s propensity to patent inventions decreases.


