ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Zen Buddhism in Beat Poetry

  • 摘要: 20世纪50年代,美国"垮掉派"文学思潮体现出非常强烈的东方佛禅品质,"垮掉派 "诗人正是这种品质的代表,其中以艾伦 ·金斯伯格、加里 ·史耐德和肯尼斯 ·雷克思罗斯最具代表性。这三位"垮掉派"文学的领军人物设法以"不离文字"的方式将佛禅 "不立文字"的神秘经验写进诗歌,他们由此或寻求实时解脱,或表达生态思想,或追寻虚空顿悟,因而从不同侧面映渗了东方佛禅的精髓。


    Abstract: In 1950s, American Beat poetry was characterized by intense Zen Buddhism, which was reflected in the works written by Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder and Kenneth Rexroth, who have been regarded as the main representatives of the Beat Generation. The three poets transformed the mysterious experience in their Zen practice into poetry to express escaping from the reality, ecological philosophy or eternal emptiness (Sunya), all of which are the essense of Zen Buddhism.


