ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Relationship between the Right for Land Space and the Basic Principles of Property Law

  • 摘要: 土地空间权的产生并不违反一物一权原则。在承认土地空间所有权的情形下,在土地上立体设立数个权利,是在数个物上设定的数个物权,不是在一个物上存在几个所有权,因此也不违反一物一权原则;在不承认土地空间所有权的情形下,土地及其空间视为一物,在土地上立体设立数个物权,也是符合一物一权原则的,因为一物一权原则的本质是一物上不能设立同时以占有为内容的物权,不能违反物权的排他性原则。而土地上立体设立的数个权利,其权利范围不同,可以同时以占有为内容而存在,因此也不违反一物一权原则。此外,土地空间权也不是新物权,土地空间权是一种特殊的地上权,其权利客体是土地上下一定范围的空间,是法律所承认的次物权类型,因此也不违反物权法定原则。


    Abstract: The occurrence of the right for land space does not infringe the "one-property-one-right" principle. If the right for land space is admitted, setting several cubical property rights on the land doesn’t infringe the "one-property-one-right" principle, because the several cubical property rights are not on just one property but on several properties. If the right for land space is not admitted in which land and the space on the land can be viewed as one property, setting several cubical property rights is also in accord with the "one-property-one-right" principle, because the "one-property-one-right" principle is actually one that does not permit setting several occupied property rights on only one property at the same time, i.e., not permitting violating the exclusive principle of property right. The several cubically set rights on the land, whose right scopes are different, can simultaneously have occupied property rights, and therefore do not infringe the "one-property-one-right" principle. In addition, the right for land and space is not a new property right either. It’s a special right on land. The object corresponding to the right for land and space is some space around the land, is the kind of sub-property-right admitted by law, and therefore doesn’t violate the principle of law-stipulated property rights


