ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Coherent Measures of Credit Portfolio Risk Based on t-copula

  • 摘要: 以预期短缺ES作为信用组合的风险量度,利用t-copula建模债务人的资产相关性,然后运用小样本近似方法求解信用组合损失分布,并与利用高斯copula得出的结果作比较,提出了一种确定信用组合一致性风险量度ES的方法,并研究债务人资产相关性建模中的模型风险。


    Abstract: Using expected shortfall (ES) as credit portfolio risk measures, this paper models the obligors’ asset correlation by t-copula and calculates credit portfolio loss distribution by applying small sample asymptotics. Then, through comparing the results under gauss copula and t-copula, we get a proper method to calculate the coherent risk measure and study model risk in modeling obligors’ asset correlation.


