Analysis of Papers to the Universities Directly under Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China Based on ESI
摘要: 基于ESI数据库,对工业和信息化部7所直属高校入选的基础学科进行分析对比,从其入选学科及学校整体在世界范围的学科引用排名情况,以及论文收录、篇均被引、高被引论文等量化数据来分析,客观评价其研究状况、学科研究特点和学术影响力,特别是进行了高被引论文的深度分析,发现了较具学术影响的核心学者群;且与国内一流大学清华大学、北京大学的相应指标进行了对比,便于工信部有关部门及工信部各直属高校从学术论文角度了解其优势学科和整体的学术地位,为大学的人才评估、引进和管理提供参考。Abstract: Based on Essential Science Indicators, the paper gives a recent analysis of the the number of papers, citations per paper and highly cited papers by the seven universities directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The paper gives a specially deep analysis of the authors of the highly cited papers. The paper reveals the real academic positions of these universities in the international and national scopes through the quotas data, and also gives corresponding information of Tsinghua University and Peking University.