The Manichean Allegories of Joseph Conrad-s HEART OF DARKNESS
摘要: 《黑暗的心》是约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)最负盛名的作品之一。评论界对该作品宣扬帝国主义思想还是揭露殖民主义的丑陋本质这一问题一直没有定论。提出,文本中的矛盾性、不确定性凭借字里行间蕴含着的一个深刻而明显的寓言——摩尼教寓言高效地运转着。通过精彩的摩尼教式二元对立的书写和读者的注释性的参与,《黑暗的心》变得生动、复杂且意义丰富。Abstract: HEART OF DARKNESS is a most renowned novella by Joseph Conrad. Scholars have discussed in depth one issue, namely, whether it celebrates imperialism or criticizes colonialism through its major character. However, they have not arrived any agreement. This paper, notwithstanding, argues that the contradictions and uncertainties in the text function efficiently through the Manichean allegories. Through dialectical Manichean reading and the participation of the reader, HEART OF DARKNESS proves more vigorous, complex and meaningful.
- Joseph Conrad /
- Manichean allegory /
- Colonialism
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