ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C



李程伟. 社区安全治理机制的建设——台北市内湖社区安全促(协)进组织案例研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2011, 24(3): 18-23.
引用本文: 李程伟. 社区安全治理机制的建设——台北市内湖社区安全促(协)进组织案例研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2011, 24(3): 18-23.
Li Chengwei. The Constructuion of Community Safety Governance Mechanism ——A Case Study of Neihu Community Safety Promotion Organization[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2011, 24(3): 18-23.
Citation: Li Chengwei. The Constructuion of Community Safety Governance Mechanism ——A Case Study of Neihu Community Safety Promotion Organization[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2011, 24(3): 18-23.


基金项目: 台湾夏潮基金会2010年"夏潮学人"资助项目(74/9912)


  • 中图分类号: C916

The Constructuion of Community Safety Governance Mechanism ——A Case Study of Neihu Community Safety Promotion Organization

  • 摘要: 在社会科学语境中,"机制"意指一定社会系统的工作或运行机理及方式,它以系统的目的为导向,以诸多构成部分或单元的相互耦合为特征,能够自组织地发挥机能作用。以此含义为基础,(公共)治理机制所包含的要件有:治理的目的和理念、治理的对象和范畴、治理的主体或行动者、治理的措施与方法、治理的程序与过程。以治理机制为分析视角,对台北市内湖社区安全促(协)进组织的发展历程进行了描述,着重对其在社区安全治理机制建设上的表现及作为进行了实证分析,以期为大陆地区开展的安全社区建设活动提供可能的参考与借鉴。
    Abstract: In the social sciences context, "mechanism" means a certain social system’ principle and way of working or running. It is goal-oriented, parts or units intercoupled, self-organized and well running. Based on the above definition, governance mechanism includes: the purpose and concept of governance, the object and scope of governance, agency or actors of governance, measures and methods of governance, procedures and processes of governance. From the perspective of governance mechanisms, this paper describes the development of Neihu Community Safety Promotion Organization, focusing on the building of safety mechanism based on empirical analysis, and provides reference and experience to the Mainland.
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  • 收稿日期:  2011-04-11
  • 发布日期:  2011-05-24


