ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Comparative Research on Some Legal lssues of Shareholders Agreement and Articles of Incorporation

  • 摘要: 公司成立前发起人签订的设立公司股东协议具有合同的法律性质,公司成立后认缴注册资本的股东签署的公司章程具有法律规范的性质。股东协议拘束缔约人,公司章程拘束签署股东和公司以及未曾签署的董事、监事等。公司成立之后,股东协议并不被公司章程取代,在没有被修改、变更、解除之前,股东协议的效力并不自然终止。在个案诉讼中,股东协议与公司章程具有不同的证明对象,不存在以哪个为准的问题。


    Abstract: The shareholder agreements signed by promoters before the establishment of incorporation are preincorporation contracts which only bind promoters, while articles of incorporation signed by shareholders who have paid the registered capital after the establishment work the same as legal norm, binding the company , signed shareholders , the unsigned boards and supervisors, etc. When a company is formed and registered under law, shareholder agreements will not be replaced by articles of incorporation , and their effectiveness will not certainly cease without amendment, change or termination of shareholder agreements. In a case of lawsuit, there does not exist a final confirmation between shareholder agreements and articles of incorporation, depending on different objects of proof.


