An Analysis of A GIRL Based on the Life Experience of Ezra Pound
摘要: 埃兹拉·庞德是美国意象主义诗歌的先驱,同时又是一位具有浓郁的"东方文化情结"的诗人。在他的诗作《少女》中,诗人巧妙地导演了一幕少女变树的短剧。文章力图通过对庞德生平和诗学观点的初步探究,阐述诗人的意象选择与他人生轨迹间千丝万缕的联系,并进一步解读庞德如何将中国古典诗歌的形式与美国现代诗歌内容成功结合,以及如何运用"树"这一根系繁茂的植物表达游子期盼扎根故土的复杂情感。Abstract: In the history of American poetry, Ezra Pound was one of the leaders of the Imagism Movement which was popular in the 20th century. The contribution of Ezra Pound is to the development of modem poetry what the foundation is to a skyscraper. This paper briefly introduces his masterpiece A GIRL and presents an overall review of Ezra Pound-s life experience. By comparing a tree with the image in A GIRL, readers can clearly perceive Pound-s eternal love to his homeland.