空幻的自我,迷惘的灵魂 ——试析欧茨的短篇小说"何去何从"的现代主义文化寓意
Rootless Self, Perplexed Soul: The Allegorical Meaning of Modernism in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"
摘要: "何去何从"是美国当代女作家欧茨最著名的短篇小说之一。从丹尼尔·贝尔的现代主义文化批评角度解读小说发现,小说女主人公康妮的人生经历反映了现代主义文化强调自我,摒弃传统和崇尚非理性的特点;康妮的结局也体现了现代主义的精神危机和走向后现代主义的开端。因此这篇短篇小说是一个现代主义文化寓言。Abstract: "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is one of Oates-s most famous short stories. Analyzing the short story from the perspective of Daniel Bell-s theory of modernism, this paper argues that as the protagonist of this short story, Connie-s life experience reflects the features and crisis of modernism, and manifests the transition from modernism to post-modernism. Thus, this short story is an allegory of modernism.