ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On the Change of Values in the Period of Social Transformation and Its Representaion in JULIUS CAESAR

  • 摘要: 从历史文化批评的视角出发,通过分析莎士比亚在《裘利斯 ·凯撒》中所表现的罗马民众和勃鲁特斯在社会转型期因为失去统一价值观而导致一系列悲剧发生,揭示了英国经济从农本主义向重商主义转型期,价值观的相对主义怎样逐渐取代传统的一元价值观而成为社会的主流价值观以及这种相对主义价值观对社会秩序稳定性的潜在危险。


    Abstract: During the period in which the British economy transformed from agriculturalism to mercantilism, the relativism of human value gradually became the main trend by replacing the traditional monistic value. In Julius Caesar, both Brutus and the Roman mob lost their unified outlook of value and the standard of judgement, therefore becoming the victims of a series of tragic events. By revealing the tragic fates of Brutus and the Roman mob, Shakespeare criticizes the British people's change in the outlook of value during the social transformation.


