ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Experimental Teaching Method Based on Hierarchy Model for Digital Signal Processing

  • 摘要: 实验教学是《数字信号处理》教学工作的重要内容,针对传统方法存在的实际问题,给出了教学改革的基本思想,提出了基于分层模型的实验改革方案,即将实验内容划分为概念原理型实验、知识应用型实验和工程实践型实验3个层次,并将其归为选作实验和必做实验两大类。实验教学分层模型在教学实践中具体实施,取得了较好的教学效果。


    Abstract: The experimental teaching is one of the main parts of teaching process of the course of digital signal processing. For the limitations of the traditional teaching methods, the basic reformation idea is given and the hierarchical model of experimental teaching is proposed in the paper. In the hierarchical model, the conceptual verification experiments, the knowledge-orientated experiments, and the engineering application-orientated experiments are clarified in difference layers. Those experiments can also be clarified into two classes: the experiments needed to be done and those selected to be done. The teaching approaches proposed in this paper were practiced and some better results were obtained.


