ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Practice and Problems in Guangdong Public Training of Emergency Treatment——Field Study on the Second Hundred People and Hundred Speeches Program

  • 摘要: 在概括了广东省第二届"百人百场"应急知识在广东省21个地级市以及顺德区进行为期一月共100多场的应急知识宣讲活动的基本情况的基础上,总结了此届应急宣讲活动宣讲内容更为丰富、重点更加突出、对象更重基层、形式更加多元、过程更注互动、成效更为明显的特点,指出应急宣讲活动中存在不足,并框架性地提出了今后在主办方、学校负责人、学生负责人、指导教师、宣讲队员选拔、团队组成、队员培训、资料准备以及表彰激励等方面的改善建议。


    Abstract: This article is a field study on "The Second Guangdong Hundred People and Hundred Speeches Program " which is over 100 public emergency treatment training speeches covering all the 21 cities of the prefecture level including Shunde District within one month in Guangdong province. The study presents the current situation of the public emergency responding treatment, summarizes 6 characteristics of this activity, i.e. profound speech content, focusing points, more grassroots audience, a greater variety of forms, more interactive speeches, and far-reaching influence. The paper points out ten existing problems of public training of emergency knowledge and proposes nine suggestions in improving the work of Guangdong "Hundred people Hundred speeches" Program.


