ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Promoters' Liabilities after Incorporation of Companies Limited by Shares

  • 摘要: 中国《公司法》中股份公司发起人责任的规定存在很多法律漏洞,集中体现在公司成立后发起人的法律责任方面。《公司法》应该对以下方面作出规定:第一,出资人或者发起人在公司设立过程中以拟设立公司的名义与他人签订合同,公司成立后,应当由公司享有该合同权利,承担合同义务。第二,公司有证据证明出资人或者发起人冒用设立中公司的名义,为自己的利益与他人签订合同,向公司转嫁债务,且合同相对人知道或者应当知道,公司请求行为人自行承担责任的,人民法院应予支持。第三,发起人在公司设立阶段从事的行为,如果超出设立上必要行为范围的,构成无权代理,应该由发起人承担连带责任。无过错的发起人可以向有过错的发起人进行追偿。但是,由于无权代理有可能构成表见代理,因此如果交易相对方并不知公司并未成立,可以认为该行为有效,能够约束成立后的公司,但公司可以对发起人进行追偿。第四,对于设立费用,如果公司创立大会不予认可或者予以削减,则应该由发起人承担。第五,发起人因恶意或重大过失而怠于履行其义务时,应对第三人负损害赔偿责任。第六,发起人对公司所承担的责任,经全体股东一致同意,可以免除。


    Abstract: There are many legal leaks in China's Corporate Law regarding promoters' liabilities after incorporation of companies limited by shares.China should amend Corporate Law as follows: Firstly, after incorporation,the companies should assume the responsibility as well as rights,when promoters contract with others on behalf of the corporation in the incorporating process.Secondly,when the other party knows or ought to know that the promoter is contracting for his/her own benefit,while on behalf of the corporation to be incorporating,then he/she would assume the results for himself/herself and could not ask for the company to assume liability.Thirdly,promoters should assume liability,if their activities go beyond reasonable ambit.The blameless promoters can recover from faulty ones.If unauthorized agency constitutes agency by estoppel,the other party of the trade may insist on the availability of the transaction.Meanwhle,the impaired corporation may recover from promoters.Fourthly,promoters may assume the incorporating fees beyond what the founding meeting of the company has recognised.Fifthly,if promoters slack in discharging obligations,they should bear the responsibility of compensation to the impaired party.Sixthly,the liability of promoters can be abolished by all the shareholders' agreement.


