ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The "Solitude" in ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE and the "Allegory of the Cave" of Plato

  • 摘要: 《百年孤独》是哥伦比亚当代文学的代表人物加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作,通过运用柏拉图在《理想国》中的"洞穴喻"来解析弥漫于作品中的孤独意识,可以看出马尔克斯作品中的孤独意识反映了对真理的渴求与现实的矛盾、理性发展与宗教信仰的冲突,指出人们要想摆脱孤独,必须走出黑暗的洞穴,摆脱愚昧落后、因循守旧的现状,借助爱和团结的力量,彻底走出孤独的阴影。


    Abstract: One Hundered Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Garcia Marquez, the representative of Contemporary Columbia Literature. This essay uses Plato's allegory of the cave to analyze the sense of solitude which permeated this novel. It reaches the conclusion that the solitude of the protagonists in the work reveals the inconsistency between desire for truth and reality, and the conflict between development of reason and religious belief. It points out that in order to cast off the shadow of solitude, Latin American people should step out of the dark cave and get rid of their fatuity and conformism with the help of love and solidarity.


