On the Scholarship between Marx's and Feuerbach's Theory of Human Community Nature
摘要: 共同体是马克思政治哲学思想的重要内容。对理论来源的探究是理解马克思共同体思想超越近代意识哲学重大理论意义的关键所在。费尔巴哈通过提出感性对象性原则,将意识哲学打开了一个巨大的缺口,马克思则在继承超越费尔巴哈的基础上,彻底变革了旧的思辨哲学传统,将费尔巴哈的感性对象性原则转变为感性实践活动,发现了人类通往真正共同体的现实道路。Abstract: Community is one of important political philosophy theories of Marx. And it's the key for our understanding the significance of Marx's community theory to explore the source of theory. Feuerbach nearly overcame the contradiction of philosophy of consciousness by the principle of sensibility objectivity. However, Marx completely changed the tradition of speculative philosophy and transformed the principle of sensibility objectivity into sensibility practice, which is the reality approach to the real community.
- Marx /
- Feuerbach /
- Human Community Nature /
- philosophy of consciosness
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