ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Marx's Research Procedure

  • 摘要: 马克思的研究程序,是指马克思从收集研究材料到叙述研究结论、从开始研究到结束研究的各个中介环节。它包括:确立研究目的、明确研究顺序、充分地占有材料、分析材料的各种发展形式、探寻这些形式的内在联系、历史分析、未来考察、策略制定、叙述结论。掌握了研究程序,就可以将各种具体的辩证研究方法,如原因和结果、本质和现象、分析与综合、量变和质变等内在融贯起来,整合起来,为达到共同的研究目标服务。研究程序的提炼和掌握,是从谈论辩证法到操作辩证法的基本中介,为马克思唯物辩证法的实际运用铺平了道路,具有较重要的方法论意义。


    Abstract: Marx's research procedure refers to all the medium links during Marx's research, from the start point to the end, and from collecting materials to presenting conclusion. It includes: selecting research target; research order; collecting materials; analyzing development forms of materials; seeking interrelations of all developments; historical analysis; predicting the future; making policies and presenting conclusion. The research procedure could integrate all kinds of dialectical methods to an organized system,and it will make using Marx's methods more easily.


