On Compensation Subject of Nuclear Accident Transboundary Damage
摘要: 核能的开发利用一方面给各国带来巨大助益,但另一方面也潜藏着各种事故风险。核事故不仅会产生境内损害,严重时还会发生跨境损害。核事故损害赔偿的责任主体首先在于核设施的运营者,而国家只是辅助补充责任主体。但是,由于国家承担了对核事故的预防应对职责,所以,在未能尽到预防应对职责时,国家应当就其过错行为单独承担损害赔偿责任。Abstract: There exist various potential accident risks while the exploitation of nuclear energy has produced increasingly huge benefits for each state. Nuclear accidents can not only result in internal harms, but also produce transboundary damage. Compensation subject of nuclear accidents should primarily be the operator of nuclear installation, and the state just constitutes a complementary subject. However, since a state undertakes precaution and management responsibility on nuclear accidents, so a state should solely bear compensation for its fault when it fails to fulfill its responsibility.