Interpretation of the Evolution of Theoretical Thrust of Civil Society from Marx to Gramsci by Game Theory
摘要: 采用博弈论的"智猪博弈"模型对马克思到葛兰西市民社会理论主旨的演变给予一种新的阐释,其目的在于通过对市民社会理论主旨演变内在动因的探析,为中国政府更加高效地协调各利益主体之间关系提供一种理论支撑。Abstract: This article attempts to give a new interpretation to the evolution of theoretical thrust of civil society from Marx to Gramsci by "clever pig game" of game theory, its purpose is to provide a theoretical support for Chinese Government to coordinate the relations among various stakeholders more efficiently by probing the inner motivation of the evolution of theoretical thrust of civil society.