An Analysis on the Development, Characteristics and Causes of Chinese Traditional Crisis Culture
摘要: 危机文化是人们在长期应对危机事件的过程中所形成的较为稳定的思维模式和行为习惯,它在现代危机管理中有着重要作用。中国传统危机文化以《易经》为起点,随着传统社会的发展逐渐成熟。它在小农式的自然经济基础上形成,受到专制统治的政治因素和宗法制的社会因素影响,并存于儒家"天人感应"的文化内核之中。中国传统危机文化与政治文化、吉祥文化以及物质符号密不可分。Abstract: In the long histroy dealing with crisis, people form stable thinking model and behavior mode, which is crisis culture. Crisis culture plays an important role in modern crisis management. Chinese traditional crisis culture started from"The Book of Changes", and developed along with traditional society. It is based on natural economy, and is deeply influenced by despotic rule and patriarch system. Chinese traditional crisis culture exists in Confucianism and shares the core principle "Interaction between Heaven and Man". At the same time, Chinese traditional culture is inseparable from political culture, auspicious culture and material signs.
- crisis culture /
- crisis management /
- auspicious culture /
- political culture
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