ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


An Existential Envisioning of the Theme of Nothingness in Faulkner's Short Stories

  • 摘要: 美国著名小说家福克纳的短篇小说在20世纪三四十年代出现了创作的高潮,并成为其"约克纳帕塌法"世系重要组成部分。对生长于斯的南方社会的既爱又恨使得福克纳创作表现出复杂性特点,通过对其代表性短篇小说《烧马棚》、《干旱的九月》以及《沃许》的文本细读,生存于斯的南方人在纷繁复杂的物质世界中迷失自我、陷入焦虑或自欺跃然纸上,福克纳短篇小说呈现出存在主义的虚无主题。


    Abstract: During the 1930s and 1940s distinguished novelist William Faulkner's most valuable short stories which have become an essential part of his Yoknapatawpha shot to fame. His love and hate toward the South makes his work puzzling and complicated. Through a detailed analysis of Barn Burning, Dry September and Wash, one can see the southerners' loss of themselves, anxiety and bad faith in this material world, which is the representative existential theme of nothingness.


