The Status, Reasons and Measures of Doctoral Students- Extended Term for Graduation: Taking Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics for Example
摘要: 博士生超期毕业现象在中国高校普遍存在且易造成不利影响。对比国内外博士生培养年限,以北京航空航天大学近5年超期博士生的数据为例,采用定量分析方法,从总体情况、学科分布和培养方式等方面分析博士生超期毕业的现状和成因。结果表明,博士生平均学习年限正逐年增长,工科博士生学习年限普遍偏长,在职博士生超期比例高,超期原因复杂多样。保证博士生培养质量是解决该问题的关键。Abstract: Doctoral students' extended term for graduation is a common phenomenon in China's universities, and it easily leads to negative impact. Comparing China's and overseas doctoral students' education period, taking the data of doctoral students' extended graduation during the last five years of Beihang University as example, and by using the quantitative analysis method, the paper analysed the status and reasons of doctoral students' extended term for graduation from aspects of general condition, disciplines distribution and education mode. The result shows that the doctoral students' education period is becoming longer, engineering doctoral students generally have longer education period, and the proportion of entended term of graduation is high among in-service doctoral students. The reasons are complicated and various. Guaranteeing the education quality of doctoral students is the key to resolving the problem.
- doctoral students /
- extended term for graduation /
- education period
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