ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on Corruption Risk-level Measurement

  • 摘要: 廉政风险管理已经日益普遍地在中国很多地区、部门和单位开展起来,但实践中所采用的廉政风险等级的评价方法并不科学,严重地制约了廉政风险管理的科学化。廉政风险水平和腐败程度在本质上是一回事。传统上,有两大类方法用于测量腐败程度,分别是客观测量法和主观测量法。这两种方法都存在各自的缺陷,都不能对腐败程度做出准确的测量。结合透明国际和中国香港的最新测评实践,在对现有腐败程度定义讨论和修正的基础上,基于理论的分析和研究,提出了一种可准确测量腐败程度新型测量方法,即行为测量法。该新方法可用于廉政风险水平的测量实践,并由此为中国正在进行的廉政风险管理实践的科学化做出积极贡献。


    Abstract: More and more regions, departments and organizations in China carry out corruption risk management during the previous couple of years. However, there is a lack of scientific approach to the grading of corruption risk evaluation empirically, thus limiting the effectiveness of corruption risk management. Essentially, corruption risk-level and corruption degree are more or less the same concept. Traditionally, there are two general ways of corruption measurement: objective and subjective approaches. Since different kinds of flaws exist in these two approaches, lack of accurate corruption measurement is unavoidable. According to the latest experience of measurement from Transparency International and Hong Kong, based on the revision and discussion of the current corruption degree definition, as well as the theoretical study and analysis, the author proposes an innovative approach which provides a more accurate measurement, behavior-based measurement. This new methodology is applicable to the corruption risk-level assessment thus making contribution to the scientific corruption risk management currently undertaking in China.


