ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Damages of Wrongful Death in Chinese Tort Law: Concentrating on Art 16&17 in Tort Law of China

  • 摘要: 中国《侵权责任法》确立了侵权死亡赔偿金制度,但因理论积淀不足、立法技术缺陷及立法者有意回避等原因,现行死亡赔偿金制度较为粗略,可操作性不强,争议较大。对《侵权责任法》中的死亡赔偿制度研究不应延续立法论思路,而改弦易辙采行解释论研究。基于中国现行死亡赔偿金项目涵盖了被扶养人生活费,并与丧葬费、精神抚慰金等赔偿项目并列,故其赔偿的是死者遗属逸失利益损失,其赔偿标准宜采取"区域内类型化"计算标准。


    Abstract: The new system of damages of wrongful death was established in the Tort Law of China, so the method of that research should be transmitted from reasoning about law to reasoning by the law. According to the Tort Law of China, damages of wrongful death compensates the negative interest of close relatives of decedent, including the living expenses of the persons in need of the victim's maintenance and upbringing, which parallels with consolation money for the psychological injury. Compared with methods of general calculation and individual calculation, the feasible and impartial method of awarding damages of wrongful death may as well adopt the victim's loss of incomes on the basis of the similar extent of profession, education, etc.


