A Study of Context in Pragmatics-Return to the Real World and Humanity
摘要: 语境与语用学研究范围密切相关,语境是语用学视域中的重要内容和核心概念。从静态语境演化为动态语境,强调语境在语用学中的作用,强调意义取决于言语主体进行言语行为时的语境,强调交际时言语主体的认知心理状态对交际的贡献,既表明语用综观,又是一种回归现实世界和回归人性的努力。Abstract: Context to which the scope of pragmatics is closely related, proves to be the most significant content and the core notion of pragmatic study. The evolution from static context to dynamic context, the exploration of the role of context in pragmatics, and the reinforcement that meaning depends on context in which the subject of language is performing linguistic behavior and the emphasis on the contribution of the subject's cognitive-psychological state in communication, indicate a general pragmatic perspective and an attempt to return to the real world and humanity.